Una vez orales, hoy fuentes escritas
ISSN: 1136-1700
Year of publication: 2001
Issue Title: Denuncia social
Issue: 26
Pages: 153-174
Type: Article
More publications in: Historia, antropología y fuentes orales
It might well be said that relationships between Anthropology and History have a long and fruitful tradition, although some areas still remain impervious to interdisciplinary permeation. These integrating approaches are absent from the academic curriculum of Spanish university students and, paradoxically, only can be found occasionally in summer courses or third cycle studies. The article here presented tries to show the wide possibilities for research that can offer a «sum of looks», with a quick overview of so-called «new» ethnographical sources. This wider perspective opens up two equally interesting pathways: anthropological introspection of history and writing a history of anthropology, or of anthropological hunches, of the discipline's remote past. Both endeavours are equally rich and interesting; our own approach has its starting point in a study of the local context, trying to outline both aspects for the castillianleonese area, which is our focus of interest. This itinerary will take us to two figures of the first half of the 20th century �Domingo Hergueta and Eduardo de Ontañón�, that merit to be duly valued and studied in respect to these questions and with whom we close our reflections.
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