Influencia del comportamiento humano en la efectividad de intercambio del conocimiento en la empresa

  1. José Ignacio Díez Pérez.
  2. Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena
  3. Miguel Ángel Manzanedo del Campo
  4. Carlos Rodríguez Monroy
Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América

ISSN: 0378-1844

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 39

Issue: 9

Pages: 637-644

Type: Article

More publications in: Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América


The objective of this work is to identify and analyze the influence that behavior and human relations have on knowledge sharing in the company for two types of workers: newcomers or ‘newbie’ and experienced ones or ‘veterans’. The effects of three specific variables are explored: the hostility of knowledge, understood as the refusal of workers to share their knowledge; dispensability of the worker or perceived loss of relevance to transmit knowledge to others; and interest in knowledge, which is the motivation for acquiring new knowledge. In order to overcome the difficulty of testing such relationships in the reality of the company, a simulation methodology with multi-agent in Netlogo has been used. The study was set on three types of simulation with three options for each one, generating 2000 simulations with 250 movement cycles in each simulation. This methodology has allowed representing and getting valuable conclusions, opening a wide field of possibilities for research related to Knowledge Management phenomena. The paper presents two important developments: the identification of the variables analyzed and the methodology used. Results show that hostility promotes the exchange of knowledge when experienced workers increase and the opposite in the case of the novice workers; the feeling of expendability hinders knowledge sharing between veterans and newcomers; and interest always leads to increased knowledge sharing, regardless of the number and category of workers.