El presente y el futuro de la banca por móvil según los usuarios españoles de banca

  1. Jana Prodanova
  2. Sonia San-Martín
  3. Nadia Jiménez
Universia Business Review

ISSN: 1698-5117

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 46

Pages: 94-117

Type: Article

More publications in: Universia Business Review


The new technologies application in the banking sector recently has shown a great improvement through the introduction of new channels in a multichannel environment. One of the channels lately implemented is the mobile banking. Employing data from 2008 bank clients, we present a description of the Spanish mobile banking customer, outlining his/her perception and preferences regarding the mobile banking services, proposing practical recommendations for the banks, which converts this study in unique and relevant in Spain.

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