La concesión de escudos de armas en el virreinato de Nueva España durante la primera mitad del siglo XVI:el caso burgalés

  1. Ángela Pereda López
Monarquías en conflicto: Linajes y noblezas en la articulación de la monarquía hispánica
  1. Fortea Pérez, José Ignacio (coord.)
  2. Gelabert, Juan E. (coord.)
  3. López Vela, Roberto (coord.)
  4. Postigo Castellanos, Elena (coord.)

Editorial: Fundación Española de Historia Moderna ; Universidad de Cantabria

ISBN: 978-84-949424-1-9

Ano de publicación: 2018

Título do volume: Comunicaciones

Volume: 2

Páxinas: 605-616

Congreso: Asociación Española de Historia Moderna (15. 2018. Madrid)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The ideal of nobility and the noble ethos were the subject of debate and dispute at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th. Man was valued by others for “their quality, lineage, power or money.” The Crown, from 1505, exercised a strong control over the type of emigrant who could travel to the Indies, only people who could prove their “racial purity” were allowed to cross the Atlantic. The discovery of the New World was an in order to acquire the nobility or increase the already existing one. The recognition of the merits accumulated during the conquest of New Spain materialized through the appointment of positions in the administration, the granting of patrimony and encomiendas, but also the possibility of creating a lineage through the granting of coats of arms. In this paper we take as a model and object of study the case of the Burgos-born group formed by Dr. Alcázar, Juan Tovar and Juan de Valdivieso, who obtained their coats of arms between 1531 and 1541. It is about establishing how they achieved that goal and what means did they use to reach it.