Biodeterioro, metodología y control para chlorophytas en bienes culturales de soporte pétreo
- Quevedo González, Lydia
- José Antonio Casado del Prado Director
Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria
Fecha de defensa: 24 July 2015
- José Tomás San José Lombera Chair
- Ignacio Lombillo Vozmediano Secretary
- Roberto Revilla Angulo Committee member
Type: Thesis
The main objective of this thesis is based on the study of different methods and procedures used to clean algae grown on stone support. Determining the most suitable method for applying the treatment and safer for the operator who performs the product. For this study algae chlorophyta variety sandstone samples were grown, the variety of seaweed and rock was chosen as this is one of the most common in the Cultural Heritage of stony nature. The objectives to be achieved were getting optimal conditions of application, validate the experimental method and degree of treatment effectiveness, developing a benchmark and verify the durability of the intervention. The results are then applied to stone support of Cultural Assets, showing that optimized techniques are applicable, effective, and lasting in time.