Measuring the attitudes from Spanish and Catalan people toward Spanish and Catalan Identity with the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure
- Eduardo M Blasco Delgado
- Aurembiaix Llobera Cascalló
- L Jorge Ruiz Sánchez
- Jorge Villarroel Carrasco
ISSN: 1577-7057
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 19
Issue: 2
Pages: 191-202
Type: Article
More publications in: International journal of psychology and psychological therapy
This study analyses the validity of the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as an implicit measure on in-group and out-group bias in Spanish participants from Catalonian (n= 17) and from the Rest of Spain (n= 16). The IRAP required to respond relationally in alternating trial-blocks. In the pro-Catalan block, participants had to respond as if the word Catalan, with the Catalonian flag behind it, were related with positive attributes (e.g. polite) and the word Spanish, with the Spanish flag behind it, were related with negative attributes (e.g. rude). In contrast, in the pro-Spanish block participants had to respond as if the word Spanish, with the Spanish flag behind it, were related with positive attributes (e.g. innovative) and the word Catalan, with the Catalonian flag behind it, were related with negatives attributes (e.g. opportunist). Participants also completed a demographic questionnaire and an explicit measure with stimuli analogous to the IRAP ones. The results showed more a favourable bias toward the ingroup in both groups, but this favourable bias is more pronounced in the Catalan Group. These results highlight the validity of the IRAP to measure intergroup biases.
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