Ways to adapt to higher education European area of environmental subjects in polytechnics schools. A comparison between queen's University of Belfast (Northern Ireland), Geneva University (Switzerland) and Burgos University (Spain)

  1. Marcos Naveira, L. A.
  2. Rodriguez Vidal, F. J.
  3. Nunez Recio, L. A.
Liburu bilduma:
Edulearn11: 3rd international conference on education and new learning technologies
  1. Chova, LG (coord.)
  2. Belenguer, DM (coord.)
  3. Martinez, AL (coord.)

ISSN: 2340-1117

ISBN: 978-84-615-0441-1

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Orrialdeak: 2898-2901

Biltzarra: 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena