78 financements - 13 144 469€
PHYtomanagement as a sustainable feedstock source of lignocellulosic-based high value BIo-based products for textile applications
pHYBi euro 521 567,50
An integrated platform of novel cost and energy-efficient conversion technologies producing liquid and gaseous bioFUELS from sustainable biogenic residues validated for direct use in fuel Cells.
FUELS-C euro 344 736,25
Regional University Network; European University
RUN-EU 2.0 euro 1 332 328,00
Inteligencia artificial para el diseño sostenible de aleaciones y procesos eficientes
IRIDISCENTE euro 607 675,00
Safe and sUstainable by desigN: integRated approaches for Impact aSsessment of advanced matErials
SUNRISE euro 233 750,00
International Master in Evaluation and Monitoring of Soil Healt.
IM4SOILHEALTH euro 60 000,00
Colloid biology: a new perspective for sustainable biotechnology
BIOCOLLOID euro 55 000,00
X Simposio Nacional sobre control de la degradación y recuperación de suelos.
Toward consolidation of germplasm and cell reversible drying through knowledge transfer
WhyNotDry euro 142 600,00
Design and Validation of Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as a safety and sustainable alternative to classical solvent for extraction of target vegetable molecules and reformulation of natural bioactive products (NADESforNATURE)
euro 179 981,51
safe and sustainable by design graphene/mxenes hybrids
SAFARI euro 360 438,75
Desarrollo de semillas recubiertas con agentes biológicos para una agricultura sostenible (ecoSEED+)
ecoSEED+ euro 137 500,00
Advanced tools for integration and synergistic inTeRconnectIon of microBIOMEs in resilient food systems
TRIBIOME euro 268 750,00
Converting Facilities Network for accelerating uptake of climate neutral materials in innovative products
CONVERT2GREEN euro 750 000,00
BIOremediation systems exploiting SYnergieS for improved removal of Mixed pOllutants
BIOSYSMO euro 462 855,00
Toxic Free metallization process for plastic surfaces
FREEME euro 395 312,00
Mediated Biphasic Battery
MeBattery euro 544 313,00
Hibridación energética pv/t con almacenamiento térmico: nuevos desarrollos para integración en edificios de consumo casi nulo
HECAT euro 126 500,00
Evaluación inteligente y en tiempo real de la deposición de pesticidas en viñedo mediante procesamiento de imágenes
DIG4VITIS euro 105 000,00
Estudio y caracterización de yesos para el enlucido y análisis del ciclo de vida
euro 18 150,00