Achegas congreso (7) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Detecting emotions in social media. A technological challenge to enhance youngest behavior

    XXVIII AEDEM International Conference of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), Tokyo (Japan) 03-04 September, 2019

  2. Detecting emotions in social media. A technological challenge to enhance youngest behavior

    Management in a Smart Society: business and technological challenges (Tokio) : XXVIII Congreso Internacional AEDEM = 2019 AEDEM International Conference : Tokio, 3 y 4 de septiempre de 2019

  3. Managing emotions with technologies: effectiveness of gamification for enhancing quality of life and labor productivity

    XXVIII AEDEM International Conference of the European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM), Tokyo (Japan) 03-04 September, 2019

  4. Managing emotions with technologies: effectivenessof gamification for enhancing quality of life and laborproductivity

    Management in a Smart Society: business and technological challenges (Tokio) : XXVIII Congreso Internacional AEDEM = 2019 AEDEM International Conference : Tokio, 3 y 4 de septiempre de 2019

  5. Plataforma web para torneos de juegos 2x2

    INNODOCT/19. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education

  6. Studying Road Transportation Demand in the Spanish Industrial Sector Through k-Means Clustering

    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

  7. The Importance of Intangible Liabilities to Business Management

    Engineering digital transformation