Publicacións (4) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Enhancement of employability skills among NEETs. Analysis of the Initiative ‘Programa Integral de Cualificación y Empleo, Pice’ Implemented by the Chamber of Commerce in Burgos, Spain

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  2. Impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on 25+ NEETs. Country Report – Spain

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  3. NEETs in Spain: Trends, challenges, policy, and programme analysis

    Lost Millennials – Transnational Research Network for the Evaluation of Initiatives Targeting 25+ NEETs

  4. Sustainability accounting: ESG approaches are not enough

    Revista Contabilidade e Financas