Depressión y estrategias de coping en ancianos institucionalizados

  1. Moço, Ana Rute
Supervised by:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 01 February 2016

  1. Gonzalo Sampascual Maicas Chair
  2. Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias Secretary
  3. Susana Sánchez Herrera Committee member
  4. Consuelo Morán Astorga Committee member
  5. José Antonio del Barrio del Campo Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 400483 DIALNET


The increase in life expectancy , with their vulnerabilities , is a real phenomenon imposing on society a great challenge and requires investment in scientific knowledge , in order to give an individualized response, with higher quality and humanity to the specific health needs of elderly. Not only care for the elderly is emerging as a specific and complex area of greatest relevance to social work , such as coping strategies , such as a particular human need and a state on the experience of the elderly, it is given attention in order to know the resilience conquered by the elderly . We seek to understand the nature of the coping strategies of the institutionalized elderly in the institutional setting process , identifying the specifics of this process - in its relationship with the different factors involved and underlying its construction and development contextual constraints , identifying the needs of coping strategies the situations of resilience that allow the use of the concept and the roles of various actors in the construction of the same process , with the purpose of creating an explanation / theory construction about the nature of that process. The starting point is the research question : How do the elderly , faced with the impact of losses can develop wellness levels? Methodology: The Sample consisted of 86 adults and institutionalized elderly , and a high percentage of females participants representing 65 % of the total sample . The ( the ) younger ( the ) (<65 years ) account for 26 % of the sample and the elderly ( =85 years) account for 18%. The dominant age group is between 75-85 years. We use the Activities of Daily Living Scale , the Geriatric Depression Scale , and the Inventory of Coping Strategies . With indeferencial statistical methodology of the results is dedicated to the description of the psychometric data and hypothesis testing. Results/Discussion: The results showed that in this sample, there is no relationship between age and depression, yet the degree of functionality and the socio-professional level are associated with depression, with more dependents to be the most referenced as depressed and higher socio-economic levels to have lower prevalence of depression. As for the coping strategies they only differ with professional status, the size self with individuals with professions unqualified to present lower levels of self than qualified, being the holders of intellectual professions who show more self.