Bullyingun fenómeno silencioso de la violencia en las escuelas

  1. Palmeiro, Alda Marília dos Santos
Dirigida per:
  1. Florencio Vicente Castro Director/a
  2. Maria José das Dores Martins Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 12 de de desembre de 2014

  1. Carlos Alberto Poiares President/a
  2. Abilio José Maroto Amiguinho Secretari/ària
  3. María José Rabazo Méndez Vocal
  4. Fernando Lara Ortega Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Bullying is becoming a phenomenon that concerns many educators due to its prevalence in schools and its negative consequences for the health and well-being of victims and perpetrators. With this work we intend to focus on the topic of school violence, specifically on the problem of aggression and victimization among adolescents in school, commonly referred to as "bullying". We intend to address this problem amongst the students, that settles subtle and quietly in schools, deteriorating interpersonal relationships. The set of instruments used for data collection consists of the EAV Scale of Attitudes facing violence of Diaz-Aguado, Arias & Seoane, 2004 by Quiz-Quiz QEVE social exclusion and school violence Diaz-Aguado, Arias & Seoane, 2004. This research is essentially based on two main objectives: - Get data that allows knowing the incidence and the various manifestations of the behaviors of aggression and victimization among adolescents who attend public schools of the 3rd cycle of a city on Alto Alentejo; - Identify the nature and the frequency of violence / bullying in schools students in the 3rd cycle in a city of Alto Alentejo; Another objective of this study is to diagnose the relational climate of children in a class of 1st cycle of basic education, to improve the social relationships between children, as well as behavior problems that some of them manifest.