La construcción de la ciudadaníaderechos humanos y humanización del derecho

  1. Souza, Inês Cabral Ururahy de
Supervised by:
  1. Nuria Belloso Martín Director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Year of defence: 2003

  1. Luis Alberto Warat Chair
  2. Emiliano González Díez Secretary
  3. Ignacio Ara Pinilla Committee member
  4. Manoel Eduardo Alves Camargo e Gomes Committee member
  5. Alfonso de Julios Campuzano Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 99748 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


The contradictions which exist in the contemporary world show a crisis of paradigms in the field of Sciences and reveal the necessity to make changes not only in law, but also in to know recognize the concrete necessity of those transformations. This study, by choosing as the focal point of its analyses the phenomenon of human¿s rights and the right¿s humanization, tries to think over the legality in the context of social, political, economical and cultural changes, which is preparing for the beginning of a new millennium. As a last resort, the analyses carried out during this critical and thoughtful research, whose theoretical bases are found in the authors who study the modern crises, sovereignty, liberty, equality, peace and security, among others factors intend to contribute to the change of citizenship¿s construction don¿t stop in a rhetorical speech.