Morteros aligerados con residuos de espumas rígidas de poliuretanoobtención, caracterización y puesta en obra

  1. Junco Petrement, Carlos
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Ángel Rodríguez Sáiz Doktorvater
  2. Verónica Calderón Carpintero Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 13 von Dezember von 2012

  1. Mariano González Cortina Präsident/in
  2. Jesús Gadea Sainz Sekretär
  3. Javier Garabito López Vocal
  4. Eva M. García Alcocel Vocal
  5. María de las Nieves González García Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 348818 DIALNET lock_openRIUBU editor


The use of rigid polyurethane foam waste, from industrial production, as a substitute for sand in masonry mortars has two beneficial consequences for environmental conservation. On the one hand, waste that is often dumped in landfill sites may be recycled and, on the other hand, the use of fines extracted from the natural environment is reduced. The physical and chemical characterization of mortars manufactured with polyurethane foam waste suggests that the properties of their mixtures could be suitable for use in construction work. Different mixtures were therefore designed with various types of cement, sand and two types of foam, at different dosages, with the aim of testing the viability of such mortars. At the experimental stage, the UNE-EN norms applicable to masonry mortars were followed in the study of mortar properties and in the absence of specific regulations, those referring to similar materials such as natural stone were used. Consistency, density and level of occluded air in the fresh state and the flexural and compressive mechanical strengths and density in the hardened state all indicate that the majority of mortars in the study comply with the normative specifications for their application. The main drawback was the large amount of cement by cubic meter in the mixtures of high mechanical strength, which obliged us to select mixtures with higher strength ratios by percentage of cement, giving special priority to mortars with larger amounts of foam. The modifications arising from the use of the two types of additives in the selected mortars were studied, as were other properties such as workability and water retention, adherence resistance, and abrasion, followed last of all by accelerated ageing to test durability. The results obtained in the experimental phase were similar to those of mortars of habitual use in masonry, fundamentally highlighting better workability, lower density of hardened mortar, greater elasticity and an important increase in water vapor permeability for all the dosages under study. Various small constructions were built at the ¿Cúpula de la Energía¿ complex, at Garray, in the province of Soria, in order to determine the viability of the mortars manufactured in this investigation. These tests formed part of the ¿CONPOL¿ CDTI-MEC research project, conducted by the University of Burgos research team and the company VIAS S.A. Different dosages were used in work units such as brick masonry, interior and exterior renderings, and basement floor screed. Their adaptability was tested through the execution of ceramic and epoxy-resin renderings with plastic paint finishes, confirming in all cases the suitability of the products to support traditional renderings. The low density of the mixtures has a direct impact on the evaluation of the structural loads of the buildings, which was confirmed by a study on a residential building, in which it was calculated that the use of lightweight mortars could reduce the total weight of the building by up to 7.7%. The final evaluation of the mortars was completed with an economic study that specified the distance from the source of waste generation to the site, highlighting preparatory costs of some mixtures that were on a par with or even less than traditional mortars.