Estudio tafonómico de los macrovertebrados de yacimientos del Pleistoceno Medio

  1. Díez Fernández-Lomana, Juan Carlos

ISSN: 1131-6993

Ano de publicación: 1993

Número: 4

Páxinas: 21-40

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Complutum


The macrovertebrates bones of nine Middle Pleistocene sites are analized, from a tapitonomic and zooarchaeologic perspective. Titese analyses indicate the causes of accumulation and the physical, chemical and biologicalfactors of alteration and conservation, allowing inferences to be mude about the environment as well as the role of hominids in the site formation processes. Moreover, these analyses are considered basic and previous to any spacial or palaeoeconomic conclusions. The results show: 1) the low incidence of chemicalfactors in the osteologic destruction; 2) the widely scattered bones being mainly due to physical causes, specially in open air sites; 3) the high incidence of carnivores in the formation and alteration of the deposits; and 4) the mainly scavenging strategy adopted by the hominids. Finally, more accurate palaeoeconomic inferences are outlined.

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