Construcción de un marco teórico/conceptual para abordar el trabajo de laboratorio usando el diagrama Vun estudio de caso de la UPEL/IPC
- Flores, Julia
- Caballero Sahelices, María Concesa
- Moreira, Marco Antonio
ISSN: 0798-0329
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Alea: 35
Zenbakia: 73
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de investigación
This descriptive study case presents an analytical interpretation, from the ausubelian theory, of the construction of a theoretical/conceptual framework integrated to a methodological base, in order to solve problems through the use of V diagrams in the biochemistry laboratory at the IPC. Eight preservice chemistry teachers of the chemistry area participated during the 2006-II semester. The V diagrams were constructed to solve five laboratory activities of increasing difficulty level. The theoretical framework included concept maps which were evaluated quali-quantitatively; two scoring methods were used: the holistic method (MH) and the unitary scoring method (MPU), resulting positively and highly correlated (pearson r=0,74; p<0,05). The theoretical/conceptual framework, integrated with MPU scored concept maps, was correlated with the methodological framework, showing a higher positive correlation (pearson r=0,74; p<0,05) than that integrated with MH scored concept maps (r=0,83> r=076; p<0,05). Results will be useful to continue future research.
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