Análisis de la implicación percibida por los adolescentes respecto a su colaboración en las tareas del hogar y su relación con el uso y abuso de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación

  1. Fernando Lara Ortega
  2. Gloria Garrote Pérez de Albéniz
  3. Davinia Heras Sevilla
International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología

ISSN: 0214-9877

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 2

Issue: 1

Pages: 49-60

Type: Article

More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología


This work is part of a research project jointly carried out by the University of Burgos and the Foundation Candeal-Man Project, funded by the companies Autocid SA and Nuclenor. The aim of our study is to clarify some questions about the consequences that the use and especially the abuse of Information and Communication Technology can be generating in our younger population, and propose alternatives and educational answers, in order to prevent and guide young people and their families. In the present work, we analyse the relationship between adolescents' perceptions about their collaboration on housework, measured by answers to the item: "I was heavily involved in the housekeeping", and its relation to the use and abuse of television and Internet. Once the results are obtained we cross them with gender, grade and academic level items. The sample was of 2,063 students from 107 class groups in 27 schools, and it is representative of the population studied: students enrolled in Burgos (province and capital) in courses that include ages 10 to 18.