La escuela como mecanismo de aculturación en la Araucanía durante el siglo XIX

  1. Aparicio Gervás, Jesús M. 2
  2. Tilley Bilbao, Charles David 3
  3. Orozco Gómez, Martha Lucía 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España


  2. 2 Universidad de Valladolid

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid, España


  3. 3 Universidad de Salamanca

    Universidad de Salamanca

    Salamanca, España


Revista colombiana de educación

ISSN: 0120-3916 2323-0134

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Más sobre excelencia docente: reiteraciones y olvidos

Issue: 68

Pages: 293-309

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17227/01203916.68RCE293.309 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista colombiana de educación

Sustainable development goals


This article aims to show the role of Chilean education during the nineteenth century in the Araucanía region, in terms of the interethnic relations between the mapuche people and the young Chilean republic. There was a process of integration and homogenization of the mapuche people supported by the State, in search of a new society that would break the old social schemes imposed by the Spanish people. By using a qualitative and phenomenological approach, an ethno-historical study has been conducted, aimed at showing the essential facts, processes and dynamics of the implementation of the educational system in the region during the nineteenth century. The study will show how the educational system introduced over the years —in which the Catholic missionaries played a crucial role— was shaped as part of an integration policy and as a domination mechanism, leading to deliberately eliminate the cultural particularities of the mapuche people.