Hipótesis sobre la existencia de marcas de autor en la colaboración teatralel caso de Rodríguez de Villaviciosa y Moreto

  1. Lobato López, María Luisa
Anagnórisis: Revista de investigación teatral

ISSN: 2013-6986

Ano de publicación: 2013

Título do exemplar: Rebelión y guerra en el teatro

Número: 8

Páxinas: 97-113

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Anagnórisis: Revista de investigación teatral


The article presents the coincidence of a styleme on three comedies written in collaboration by several playwrights mid-17th century, El rey don Enrique, el Enfermo, Nuestra Señora del Pilar and Vida y muerte de San Cayetano, in which Sebastián Rodríguez de Villaviciosa and Agustín Moreto participated, among other authors. After observing the humorous reference in his «espabilador» or «despabilador» job in verses that are awarded to Rodríguez de Villaviciosa in one of the comedies, it is possible to find the same reference in the other two plays, which could contribute in the attribution of verses to this playwright. This quote does not appear in any other comedies examined through TESO database (Spanish Theater of the Golden Age), which brings together the digitized text of about nine hundred works of the period 1500-1699.

Referencias bibliográficas

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  • RUBIERA, Javier, «Moreto y la colaboración de ingenios. Nuestra Señora del Pilar», en María Luisa Lobato y Antonio Cortijo Ocaña (eds.). Agustín Moreto: Theatre and Identity, eHumanista. Journal of Iberian Studies, 23, 2013, 212-224.