La influencia del darwinismo en Iberoamérica

  1. Orozco Gómez, Martha
TRIM: Tordesillas, revista de investigación multidisciplinar

ISSN: 2173-8947

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-49

Type: Article

More publications in: TRIM: Tordesillas, revista de investigación multidisciplinar


About the worldwide celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the sesquicentennial of his "theory", we intend to enter into a subject little known and much less discussed, talked on disappearance of the native peoples of Latin America justified in the Darwinism and especially on the premise of Natural Selection. The survival of the fittest, the strongest �attributes that have been auto-assigned the whites� and the disappearance of the "weaker" �the other existing races, mainly the so-called indigenous peoples and blacks� led to that supported acts of barbarism committed in improving the breed: the elimination of indigenous peoples, creation and promotion of eugenics and Ho- moculture. Although not the only cause, Darwinism, is partly responsible for the poor indigenous population in Latin America that exists today, the greater the acceptance or implementation of Darwinism less and less original population found greater acceptance and disclosure original population. In other words, we can say that what we are today as races in this part of the world, stems in part from the application of Darwinism most aberrant.