La comunicación de los centros museísticos eclesiásticos en Castilla y León

  1. De Domingo Angulo, Emilio
erph_: revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico

ISSN: 1988-7213

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 20

Pages: 174-197

Type: Article

More publications in: erph_: revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico


In the past few decades we are being witness of how the society in general is demanding to enjoy its own heritage. Also the Church is conscious of this message and seems to be more and more open to show, at a larger extent than before, the works of art and cultural properties that used to preserve so jealously in its churches, monasteries and convents in the past. A good example in this regard is the Church joining to new museum trends with the opening of several interpretation centres. In this article, we will focus on the state of play of the communication of the museums belonging to the Church in Castile and Leon. We are very much aware, through the study we have carried out, of the big diversity among them regarding the ways they communicate, and we will analyse them from the point of view of the so called “new museology”, that incorporates both didactic and interpretative resources. We will also deal, in a small indent entitled “The external dissemination of the Church museum centres”, with the way these cultural installations are offered to the public and the use of the internet and the information and communication technologies at their disposal.

Bibliographic References

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