El imposible regreso del exiliadoUlises en la obra de Alberto Manguel
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 0874-5498
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakia: 20
Orrialdeak: 353-376
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Ágora: estudos clássicos em debate
Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak
This article examines the presence of Ulysses in Alberto Manguel’s literary and academic work, mainly in El regreso (2007) and El regreso de Ulises (2014), published in collaboration with cartoonist Max. In these works, Manguel addresses the universal problem of the exiled and of their impossible return to the place of departure through the figure of Ulysses.Throughout his academic wanderings, Ulysses is reshaped according to different settings and through other characters, such as the Sybil, in a sequence of literary retellings spanning from Homer to T. S. Eliot and including Virgil, Petronius and especially Dante.
Atariko dokumentuak egunero eguneratzen dira. Data horrek atariaren egiturari buruzko informazioa eguneratzeari egiten dio erreferentzia (pertsonak, ikerketa-taldeak, antolaketa-unitateak, proiektuak...).