Beneficios psicológicos de la práctica deportiva entre mayores vs intergeneracional
- Escolar-Llamazares, María del Camino
- De la Torre Cruz, Tamara
- Luis Rico, Isabel
- Palmero Cámara, Carmen
- Jiménez Eguizábal, Alfredo
ISSN: 0214-9877
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 139-148
Type: Article
More publications in: International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology: INFAD. Revista de Psicología
The benefits at the psychological level of the regular practice of physical-sport activity in elderly people are unquestionable; similarly, intergenerational programs promote their psychological well-being. In this sense, some authors point out the need to investigate the benefits of physicalsport practice in an intergenerational format. The objective of this work has been to know the impact that sports practice has on self-esteem, self-efficacy, depression and psychological well-being of the elderly and whether the intergenerational format provides differential benefits at an emotional level. For it we have carried out a systematic review by analyzing various papers and studies that address this subject since 2000 to the present. The databases consulted were Scopus, WOS, CSIC and Dialnet. Twelve scientific articles have been analyzed. The results allow us to verify how sport or physical exercise adapted to the elderly improves their self-esteem, self-concept, indicators of depression and in general their subjective well-being. In the same way, intergenerational sports practice increases the emotional well-being of the elderly. Although, in the latter case, studies are scarce and research is demanded on the differential efficacy of sports programs between peers or in an intergenerational format.
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