Primeros datos de hidrotermalismo cretácico en el margen oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica
- Arantxa Bodego 1
- Arantza Aranburu 1
- Eneko Iriarte 2
- Mikel A. López-Horgue 1
- Laura Damas-Mollá 1
- 1 Universidad del País Vasco, España
- 2 Universidad de Burgos, España
ISSN: 0213-683X
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakien izenburua: Comunicaciones presentadas en la LXIV Sesión Científica / Ávila, 1 de Junio de 2018
Zenbakia: 64
Orrialdeak: 35-38
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta
In the Eastern margin of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, fissures filled with sediments crop out in a red Albian-Cenomanian limestone, near the Txoritokieta mount (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa). In this work we study the sedimentology, petrology and tectosedimentary character of fissures and their fills, in order to establish the evolutive sequence of the formation of fractures and the infill of them. It has been inferred the tectonic origin of the fissures, linked to the synsedimentary folding of the host limestone. Moreover, most of the studied sedimentary fissure fills are mineralized, suggesting that fracturing and fluid flow occurred during the deposition of the fissure fills.
Atariko dokumentuak egunero eguneratzen dira. Data horrek atariaren egiturari buruzko informazioa eguneratzeari egiten dio erreferentzia (pertsonak, ikerketa-taldeak, antolaketa-unitateak, proiektuak...).