Pequeños yacimientos con hoyos de la antigüedad tardíael caso de las Cordoneras

  1. Villanueva Martín, L.
  2. Delgado Arceo, M.E
  3. De Pedro Andrés, G
  4. Berzosa Ordaz, A.
  5. Gorostiza González, M.
  6. Carmona Ballestero, E.
  7. Arnaiz Alonso, M.A.
Arqueología en el Valle del Duero: del Paleolítico a la Edad Media
  1. Martínez Caballero, Santiago (coord.)
  2. Cabañero Martín, Víctor Manuel (coord.)
  3. Merino Bellido, Carlos (coord.)

Publisher: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-944018-7-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 363-382

Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (4. 2014. Segovia)

Type: Conference paper


During an archaeological excavation carried out by the company Antequem SL a set of archaeological evidence was discovered in Las Cordoneras. Specifi cally diff erent types of negative structures (pits, post holes, hearths and kilns) containing archaeological remains from two diff erent phases (Bronze Age and Late Antiquity) were documented. This paper is focused on the evidences from Late Antiquity but we will not lose the opportunity to show the main characteristics of the remains linked to Bronze Age phase. The work was possible by an agreement established between Antequem SL and the Department of Archaeology at the University of Burgos. Data from this study show a productive area in Las Cordoneras during Late Antiquity. The function of the structures and the spatial ordination reveal a place where a small rural community lived.