Los secadalesuso y amortización de un área de producción tardorromana

  1. Gorostiza González, M.
  2. Villanueva Martín, L
  3. Delgado Arceo, M.E
  4. Berzosa Ordaz, A.
  5. De Pedro Andrés, G
  6. Carmona Ballestero, E.
  7. Arnaiz Alonso, M.A.
Arqueología en el Valle del Duero: del Paleolítico a la Edad Media
  1. Martínez Caballero, Santiago (coord.)
  2. Cabañero Martín, Víctor Manuel (coord.)
  3. Merino Bellido, Carlos (coord.)

Publisher: Glyphos

ISBN: 978-84-944018-7-9

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 337-348

Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del Valle del Duero (4. 2014. Segovia)

Type: Conference paper


The present study refl ect the results achieved during the pre-emptive excavation of “Los Secadales” site. This excavation is included in the archeological work linked to the construction of a gas pipeline amidst Arevalo (Ávila) and Sanchidrián (Segovia). The excavation was followed by a material study about that site. It was made by an agreement between ANTEQUEM S.L. and the archeology sphere of the University of Burgos. The study has made the possibility of determinate a relative chronology of the documental structures. The most important of them is a Late Antiquity owen. All the structures are part of the complex that perform Los Secadales site. This researchs have shown the feasible pars urbana of a village really close to the excavated place. Due to this reason, the archeological research allows discuss about the usefulness of the structures, especially the owen, but also its relacionship with the nearby village.