Formación universitaria para personas mayores. Análisis DAFO del Programa Universitario para Mayores de la Universidad de Burgos

  1. Luis Rico, M.I.
Nuevos perfiles de alumnos en las Aulas de Mayores: reflexiones en torno a sus percepciones y expectativas sobre los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España
  1. Juan Carlos Maroto martos (coord.)

Editorial: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-5957-0

Ano de publicación: 2015

Páxinas: 305-326

Congreso: Encuentro Nacional de Programas Universitarios para Personas Mayores (14. 2015. Granada)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The present research work falls within the framework of university education for older people, and it is the result of five years of investigation that culminated in the preparation and defence of the doctoral thesis. It led to the doctoral degree summa cu m laude and was given the Extraordinary Doctorate Award by the University of Burgos. The purpose of the research focuses on implementing the Internal System of Quality Assurance in the education of older people that is being developed in the University o f Burgos; in this way, the objectives defined in the University Strategy 2015 are fully met. In order to achieve our goal, we have used the complementarity of the multi- methodological approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The quantitative methodology has been used to obtain information through the quantification of data of the variables set down, using structured questionnaires prepared ad-hoc with stratified random sample of proportional allocation, with a margin of error of +- 3 and a level of confidence of 95% of the target population. In the qualitative methodology, we have taken on techniques and processes in the field of commercial research, within the evaluative research, to focus decision-making and the development of strategic plans, through the application of the SWOT analysis.