Geochronology and geoarchaeology of Pleistocene fluvial deposits in the Prados-Guatén Depression (Madrid Basin, Central Spain)

  1. López-Recio, M.
  2. Silva, P.G.
  3. Tapias, F.
  4. Roquero, E.
  5. Baena, J.
  6. Carrancho, A.
  7. Arteaga, C.
  8. Morín, J.
  9. Rus, I.
  10. Villalaín, J.J.
Quaternary International

ISSN: 1040-6182

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 328-329

Issue: 1

Pages: 120-135

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.QUAINT.2013.11.029 GOOGLE SCHOLAR