O corpo escritoas tatuagens na pós-modernidade

  1. Castela, Ana Paula Robalo do Nascimento
Supervised by:
  1. Fernando Gil Villa Director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Year of defence: 2008

  1. Emilio Lamo de Espinosa Michels de Champourcin Chair
  2. Pedro Cordero Quiñones Secretary
  3. Mariana de Jesus Martins de Torres Vaz Freire Cascais Committee member
  4. Mónica Ibáñez Angulo Committee member
  5. Carles Feixa Pàmpols Committee member

Type: Thesis


After some research has found that tattoos have been around forever. It has been studied by anthropologists, especially when dealing with tribal tattoos. The difference is that now in our consumer society, tattoos are not only markers of tribal identity or certain professions, but cut across all social classes and lifestyles. This thesis explains how this change has occurred, as we understand the transformation of the image generated by the tattoo, historically regarded as a stigma, but � [+]nowadays regarded as an artistic work or body adornment