Cantar y bailar para vivirredes filantrópicas en torno a los niños vascos refugiados en Gran Bretaña (1937-1939)

  1. Adelaida SAGARRA GAMAZO
  2. M. Isabel GEJO-SANTOS
Musicología en el siglo XXI: nuevos retos, nuevos enfoques
  1. Begoña Lolo (coord.)
  2. Adela Presas (coord.)

Éditorial: Sociedad Española de Musicología

ISBN: 978-84-86878-45-0

Année de publication: 2018

Pages: 1107-1126

Congreso: Sociedad Española de Musicología. Congreso (9. 2016. Madrid)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


In 1937, almost 4,000 Basque children were evacuated to the United Kingdom after the bombing of Guernica and its surroundings. Those children taken in British land became cultural agents and broadcasters of their popular musical heritage in the colonies where they lived, in the spontaneous meetings in which they sang, in the concerts or large events organized to raise funds (like the cultural international meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in London), and in their gramophone records. We can see that those children made the music from their homeland pass round and that the British received it to help them economically, show them respect and support them in their suffering. Thus, there was flow and reception of music; singing and dancing was a gesture of visibility, a socialization mechanism and a way to survive in a background of great difficulties