Sistema kárstico multi-nivel Alkerdi-Zelaieta (Urdazubi/Urdax, Navarra)bajada del nivel freático frente a la (re)sedimentación
- M. Arriolabengoa 1
- A. Hermoso de Mendoza 2
- A. Víctor 2
- I. Álvarez 3
- A. Aranburu 1
- A. Bodego 4
- J.I. Calvo 2
- M. del Val 1
- D. Garate 5
- F. Ibarra 2
- E. Iriarte 6
- J. Legarrea 2
- J. Tapia 4
- J. Agirre-Mauleon 4
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
- 2 Grupo de Espeleología Satorrak, Iruña-Pamplona, Nafarroa
- 3 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitate
- 4 Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Burgos
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 2019
Issue Title: Comunicaciones presentadas en la LXVI Sesión Científica / Leioa (Bilbao), 24 de mayo de 2019
Issue: 66
Pages: 7-10
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
The Alkerdi-Zelaieta cave system is longer than 5878 m long. It iscomposed by genetically connected caves, which are currently separatedby sedimentary filling or collapses. Nevertheless, the disposition of thedifferent subhorizontal passages formed under phreatic conditionsshows at least 6 cave-levels, which have been developed in a wides-pread base-level falling context. The speleogenesis of each cave-levelis due to paragenesis, given by an increment on sediment input regarding the stream flow. Changes in sediment input rates are due to climatic changes, Therefore each time that those climatic conditions werereproduced, cave-levels would have been formed. The origin of the sediments are from Paleozoic and Triassic formations of the area. As such,using the meandering conduits that connect different cave-levels, sediments that filled the abandoned galleries were removed and depositedin a lower cave-level that was forming at the moment, being recycled repetitively until they leave of the cave-system.
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