Educar en contextos de exclusión socialnecesidades y cambios desde la perspectiva del profesorado. Un estudio de casos en la provincia de Granada

  1. Amores Fernández, Francisco Javier
  2. Luengo Navas, Julián Jesús
  3. Ritacco Real, Maximiliano
Revista Fuentes

ISSN: 1575-7072 2172-7775

Any de publicació: 2012

Títol de l'exemplar: La autoestima del profesorado

Volum: 12

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Fuentes


In schools located in contexts of social exclusion, the goals of education professionals focus, among other things, in provide pathways to respond to the demands of training by promoting social cohesion. His achievement, in many cases is complicated by several issues. Therefore, using a qualitative methodology, we approach to three Secondary Schools (IES) publicly funded and located in areas at risk of social exclusion in the autonomous community of Andalusia in order to identify and analyze the main problems and needs that hinder the achievement of educational objectives proposed by the schools and teachers. At the end of the methodological process, emerge as part of the research results, the category needs and changes to optimize the educational development of students at risk of social exclusion. After its analysis it was possible to identify five sub-categories that pointed to different dimensions of it, among them we can mention the school organization, the relationship with families, resources, teacher training, [and] the itineraries of student learning. In short, it provides a detailed description of requirements and changes to optimize the educational development of students at risk of social exclusion in three specific high schools that can help teachers to improve the performance in this area.

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