Aproximación a las paleolineas de costa en la plataforma del País Vasco en la última transgresión
- Peru Bilbao-Lasa 1
- J. Jara-Muñoz 2
- Irantzu Álvarez 1
- Arantza Aranburu 1
- E. Iriarte 3
- Martin Arriolabengoa 1
- M. del Val 1
- I. Galparsoro
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
- 2 University Potsdam
Universidad de Burgos
Argitaletxea: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
ISBN: 978-84-17713-16-4
Argitalpen urtea: 2019
Orrialdeak: 381-384
Biltzarra: Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario (15. 2019. Bilbao)
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena
The objective of the present work is to obtain the sea level height for different ages through the last marine transgression, and to represent the evolution of the coastline along the Basque continental shelf. For that purpose, a sea level curve of Stanford et al. (2011) was used, where they set % 67, %95 and %99 of confidence sea level curves using different data available in the literature. These depths, were then represented in a 5 m resolution Digital Evolution Model of the Basque continental shelf to visualize the spatial position of the coastline through time. These data, would be very useful from different points of view, being able to decipher how was the coastline morphology in the past or visualize the drowning of the different coastal areas and to calculate the distances to the coastline from different archaeological sites in different epochs for the last 22.000 years
Atariko dokumentuak egunero eguneratzen dira. Data horrek atariaren egiturari buruzko informazioa eguneratzeari egiten dio erreferentzia (pertsonak, ikerketa-taldeak, antolaketa-unitateak, proiektuak...).