El Doctor Pedro de Colina:un médico entre Quintanapalla y Valladolid, entre los hidalgos y los pecheros

  1. José Antonio Cuesta Nieto
Monarquías en conflicto: Linajes y noblezas en la articulación de la monarquía hispánica
  1. Fortea Pérez, José Ignacio (coord.)
  2. Gelabert, Juan E. (coord.)
  3. López Vela, Roberto (coord.)
  4. Postigo Castellanos, Elena (coord.)

Publisher: Fundación Española de Historia Moderna ; Universidad de Cantabria

ISBN: 978-84-949424-1-9

Year of publication: 2018

Volume Title: Comunicaciones

Volume: 2

Pages: 907-917

Congress: Asociación Española de Historia Moderna (15. 2018. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The reign of the Catholic Kings, with the introduction of the first laws on blood purity, brought about a political change with regard to converts – something that had ramifications in terms of the medical professions, which were traditionally exercised by Jews and converts. It is within this context that the figure of Dr. Pedro de Colina is studied, a physician for the Spanish Royal House and for Cardinal Mendoza, as well as a professor at the University of Valladolid. Originally from Quintanapalla, located in the Alfoz de Burgos region of the Burgos Province, and a resident of Valladolid, Dr. Colina's social type differed from the norm for his profession: he was an old Christian and –even– originally a “hidalgo,” or Spanish nobleman. With the acquisition of a chapel and the founding of a chaplaincy and its patronage, he aimed to insert his bloodline into the common nobility