The Promise of Telemedicine for Movement Disorders: an Interdisciplinary Approach

  1. Ben-Pazi, H.
  2. Browne, P.
  3. Chan, P.
  4. Cubo, E.
  5. Guttman, M.
  6. Hassan, A.
  7. Hatcher-Martin, J.
  8. Mari, Z.
  9. Moukheiber, E.
  10. Okubadejo, N.U.
  11. Shalash, A.
  12. Bajwa, J.
  13. Bloem, B.R.
  14. Galifianakis, N.B.
  15. Gatto, E.
  16. Goetz, C.G.
  17. Katz, M.
  18. Pantelyat, A.
  19. Tanner, C.
  20. Spindler, M.
Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports

ISSN: 1534-6293 1528-4042

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 18

Zenbakia: 5

Mota: Berrikuspena

DOI: 10.1007/S11910-018-0834-6 GOOGLE SCHOLAR