Evaluation of Motivational Learning Strategies for Children with Dyslexia: A FORDYSVAR Proposal for Education and Sustainable Innovation

  1. Benito, Vanesa Delgado
  2. Villaverde, Vanesa Ausín
  3. Cano, Sonia Rodríguez
  4. Alonso, Patricia Sebastián
  1. 1 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España

    ROR https://ror.org/049da5t36


ISSN: 2071-1050

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 13

Issue: 5

Pages: 2666

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3390/SU13052666 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Sustainability


This study was part of the European project Erasmus+ FORDYSVAR, whose main objective is to contribute to the educational inclusion of students aged between 10 and 16 with dyslexia through the use of technology. The purpose of this study was to analyze the motivation of students with dyslexia during their learning process and to assess whether technology can be a motivating educational tool to create sustainable educational spaces at a social level. It used a descriptive, transversal, and correlational methodology to determine whether the participating sample showed motivation in the learning process. In order to answer this hypothesis, we designed a data collection instrument that included a motivational assessment questionnaire of the learning. The participants were students with dyslexia aged between 10 and 16 (N = 30). The results obtained allowed us to conclude that information and communication technologies can be used as a motivating educational strategy for students with dyslexia. The conclusions drawn were consistent with previous research showing that the use of technology for educational purposes can contribute to student motivation.

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