Implementation of a "zero course" at the University of Burgos using the e-learning platform moodle
- M.A. Alonso-Lomillo 1
- O. Domínguez-Renedo 1
- M.A. García-García 1
- J. Aguilar Barriuso 1
- M.J. Arcos-Martínez 1
Universidad de Burgos
Publisher: Edulearn Publications
ISBN: 978-84-613-9386-2
Year of publication: 2010
Pages: 6285-6292
Congress: Edulearn. International conference on Education and New Learning Technology (2. 2010. Barcelona)
Type: Conference paper
This work describes the design, methodology and implementation system of a mathematics virtual "zero course" that has been planned for first year students of different degrees. It has been designed as a response to the lack of basic mathematic knowledge of the students beginning university. The main objective of this activity is the preparation of diverse mathematic materials for an autonomous learning achievement of the students. Basic mathematics concepts are reviewed within 40 hours in order to provide a better understanding of the different subjects. This review may help students to success in their first academic year. The implementation has been carried out through Moodle virtual platform, which is often used by professors and students at the university.
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