Adaptación y validación al contexto de la educación física de la escala de la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas el ejercicio físico, con la inclusión de la novedad como necesidad psicológica

  1. Rubén Trigueros 1
  2. Juan José Maldonado 2
  3. Florencio Vicente 2
  4. Jerónimo Javier González-Bernal 3
  5. Luis Ortiz 1
  6. Joséfa González-Santos 3
  1. 1 Universidad de Almería,
  2. 2 Universidad de Extremadura,
  3. 3 Universidad de Burgos

    Universidad de Burgos

    Burgos, España


Revista de psicología del deporte

ISSN: 1132-239X 1988-5636

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 29

Issue: 3

Pages: 91-99

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de psicología del deporte


The objective of this study was to validate and adapt to the Spanish context of Physical Education, the Spanish version of the Scale of Psychological Needs (EFNP) in the context of physical exercise, with the incorporation of the frustration of novelty on the scale. The sample that took part in the study was 271 students between 13 and 19 years old (M = 15.22, SD = 1.47) from several educational centers in the province of Almería. To analyze the psychometric properties of the EFNP-EF, several analyzes have been carried out. The results have offered support both for the structure of three factors (i.e., frus tration of the need for autonomy, relationship with others and competence) and the higher order model where the three subscales come together in a construct called frustration. The structure of both models was invariant with respect to gender. The Cronbach alpha values were higher than .70 in the subscales and adequate levels of temporal stability. In addition, factors such as the global frustration factor acted as predictors of amotivation in high school students. The results of this study provide evidence of reliability and validity of the EFNP-EF in the Spanish context of Physical Education.

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