Perfil motivacional de las mujeres participantes en la prueba atlética de los 3000 metros obstáculos

  1. Olatz Bastarrica Varela 1
  2. Susana Irazusta Adarraga 1
  3. Rubén Arroyo del Bosque 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria, España.
Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos

ISSN: 1989-841X

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 18

Pages: 152-164

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Internacional de Deportes Colectivos


The 3000 meters steeplechase is an athletics specialty which is part of the middle endurance races, consisting of the race itself and running over a steeplechase. It is the athletics specialty race with fewest participants in both genders female and male, but how do you explain this low participation? The high technical demand in the race and the technique of dealing with the obstacles are one of the reasons, since the passage of the river requires a refined technique and the difficulty acquired. This study will look at different athletes, in order to create the motivation profile of the athletes competing in this event and will find the reasons why athletes opt for other fields of athletics and not for this. Thus, this study will find out the reasons for the low participation

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