Sala Roja de la Cueva de Goikoetxe (Busturia, Bizkaia)una historia de rellenos y vaciados
- A. Aranburu 1
- E. Iriarte 2
- I. Yusta 1
- S. Giralt 3
- V. Martinez-Pillado 4
- I. Renteria 4
- A. Suarez 4
- M. Arriolabengoa 4
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lejona, España
Universidad de Burgos
- 3 Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC)
- 4 Sociedad de Ciencias ARANZADI, Centro Geo-Q
ISSN: 1576-5172
Argitalpen urtea: 2012
Zenbakien izenburua: VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo, 17-19 de julio, 2012.
Zenbakia: 13
Orrialdeak: 48-51
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geotemas (Madrid)
The Goikoetxe-Cave (of the Malloku- system) is located in Busturia (Bizkaia) and constitutes the second largest karst network (more than 3400 m) of the Urdaibai Reserve. The main network of galleries is articulated in three floors of marked phreatic origin with strong structural control. The Sala Roja, located at the intermediate level, shows most of the geological processes involved in the evolution of the system. Fluvio-karst deposits fossilized by a speleothemic flowstone, fill-up the gallery, and form the first allostratigraphic sequence. A subsequent erosion empties the galleries, creating a paleo-relief of more than 3 m which is upholstered by flows of speleothems and dripping stalagmites. In the Sala Roja this last stage is interrupted by a collapse and tilt of blocks formed by fragments of previous stratigraphy, with their associated stalagmites (pre-breakup) that are fossilized by new dripping speleothems (postbreakup).
Atariko dokumentuak egunero eguneratzen dira. Data horrek atariaren egiturari buruzko informazioa eguneratzeari egiten dio erreferentzia (pertsonak, ikerketa-taldeak, antolaketa-unitateak, proiektuak...).