The influence of website quality and star rating signals on booking intentionanalyzing the moderating effect of variety seeking

  1. Tamara Belver-Delgado 1
  2. Sonia San-Martín 2
  3. Rosa M. Hernández-Maestro 3
  1. 1 University of Salamanca, Spain
  2. 2 Department of Economy and Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Burgos, Spain
  3. 3 Department of Business Administration, University of Salamanca, Spain
Spanish journal of marketing-ESIC

ISSN: 2444-9695 2444-9709

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 25

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-28

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1108/SJME-09-2019-0076 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Spanish journal of marketing-ESIC


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of booking website (hotel or third-party) characteristics and hotel star-rating classification, as signals of quality, on travelers’ relationships with hotels or hotel chains, taking into account the moderating effect of travelers’ tendencies to seek variety. Design/methodology/approach – To test the hypothesized relationships, structural equation modeling was performed. A multi-group analysis was also conducted to test the moderating effect of travelers’ variety seeking. Findings – Both booking website quality and star rating improve customer satisfaction with specific experiences at hotels and behavioral intentions toward hotels. The results also show that travelers’ varietyseeking levels (low/high) exert a moderating effect on their overall relationships with hotels, and quality signals are more relevant for those who are less inclined to seek variety in their travel experiences. Originality/value – This paper analyzes the importance of quality signals on travelers’ relationships with hotels in an electronic shopping environment. Furthermore, the influence of travelers’ variety-seeking in the hotel sector in particular is studied. For hotel managers, a better knowledge of this personality trait can help to apply successful segmentation strategies.

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