Aprendizaje basado en proyectosEstudio de caso sobre el potencial del método como modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación secundaria

  1. de la Torre Neches, Berta
Supervised by:
  1. Henar Rodríguez Navarro Director
  2. Mariano Rubia Avi Co-director
  3. Jairo Rodríguez Medina Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Valladolid

Fecha de defensa: 10 May 2021

  1. Alfonso Gutiérrez Martín Chair
  2. Rosa María Santamaría Conde Secretary
  3. María Carmen Garrido Arroyo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Economics, as a school subject has a great relevance within the discipline of social sciences, its approach being what best distinguishes it from the rest of the subjects. Studies in Economics become necessary in view of the great changes that the Spanish society experiences is present in all aspects of our daily lives - any citizen needs to know the basic rules that explain economic events as well as their specific language, necessary to analyze them. The study of this area enhances students' skills and reasoning, develops their entrepreneurial spirit, mathematical knowledge and analytical ability, intellectual curiosity, as well as oral and written communication skills to explain and convey ideas or develop reasoned conclusions. Therefore, a new approach must be implemented, emphasizing a way of learning that adds up to society by contributing to current education, not prevailing immersed in a behavioral paradigm that does not respond to the students’ real needs. This is how a process of change begins - with the application of a constructivist model to meet these current educational demands. These changes that are taking place at the present time in the world of sciences - from a teaching-learning model to a learning-teaching model based on research, practice and experimenting- make it understandable, within this framework, to lean on learning models based on active methodologies that actually respond to these new formative challenges. This thesis analyzes the results of a learning experience developed in the fourth year of Secondary Education at the Cristo Rey Polytechnic Institute in Valladolid. The Project-based Learning Method was applied through the development of a project called: My business plan. From the analysis of the information obtained, it can be seen that the application of the Project-based Learning Method contributed to the development of key competencies among students towards the search for knowledge.