Nuevos perfiles en riesgo de vulnerabilidad abordaje desde la educación no formal

  1. Sheyla Blázquez González 1
  2. Andrea Sevilla Ortega 1
  1. 1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Madrid, España


De la educación especial a la educación inclusiva: retos y tendencias en la sociedad digital
  1. Toro Alonso, Víctor del (dir.)
  2. López Guinea, María Castellar (dir.)
  3. Jiménez Astudillo, Mónica (dir.)

Publisher: [Madrid], Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Área de Ciencias Sociales, D.L. 2015

ISBN: 978-84-96702-61-5

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 214-224

Congress: Jornadas de Universidades y Educación Especial (32. 2015. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The investigation here exposed is inserted in the topic of “Risks and social vulnerability: emerging populations”. It deals with a reflexive analysis of the daily interventions among first graders. It was conducted during the recess of a normal school day. The “Real Academia Española” defines vulnerable as “can be harmed or suffer a lesson, physically or morally”. The social vulnerability counts with different conceptions like being understood. In this occasion, it is thought as a multidimensional notion in a way that affects a single person, a group or communities in different forms and intensities (Rodriguez Vignoli, 2001). Finally, the concept is considered as dynamic because of the construction and deconstruction processes of vulnerabilities. The purpose of this investigation is to identify new vulnerable profiles or in risk of exclusion, that can pass unnoticed for being uncategorized under any specific diagnostic. This student typology shows the scholar trajectories, evolutionary and familiar, in a varied way, manifesting different kinds of difficulties in the adaptation and establishment of positives or satisfactory social relations, what make the difference with the class group, that can generate large amounts of conflicts or isolation cases. Because of this, there is the proposal of a theoretical consideration- a practice that underlay the necessities of a daily performance in the formal education, leisure and free time. To obtain the information mentioned before, a descriptive analysis of the conduct by a systematic observation was made, in natural interactions of the subjects The results show the necessities of working with the social and emotional abilities during the first stages of the evolutionary development. It is important to take advantage and readjust the social situations to establish satisfactory and positive relations with their equals and prevent the surging of personal problems because they lack social adaptation. At the same time, and because of the importance of social abilities to the everyday life of individuals in the contemporary society, there is an obligation to work with the socio-emotional capabilities in the context of a real interaction.