Reconocimiento de morfologías endokársticas y yacimientos en los karts de la sierra de atapuerca y ojo guareña (burgos) mediante técnicas de prospección geofísica

Supervised by:
  1. Ana Isabel Ortega Martínez Director
  2. Josep Maria Parés Casanova Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Burgos

Fecha de defensa: 22 November 2021

  1. José María Bermúdez de Castro Risueño Chair
  2. Eneko Iriarte Avilés Secretary
  3. José Ángel Porres Benito Committee member
  4. Roger Guérin Committee member
  5. Óscar Pueyo Anchuela Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 696515 DIALNET


Abstract: This work focusses on the study, through geophysical techniques, of the Sierra de Atapuerca and the Ojo Guareña karst systems, which bear outstanding sites from ancient and recent Prehistory. For this work, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys were performed with the aim of identifying the dimensions and continuity of the karstic passages that bear these sites. The interpretation of the results has allowed determining the extension of the conduits, to distinguish between intact geological features and anthropic alterations, and to locate new archaeological excavations. These interpretations have been verified by mechanical boreholes. In this work, we have also analysed the limitations of both geophysical techniques and their implications in the interpretation of the results. All these data have ultimately led to a better understanding of the karst and sites’ formation process. Keywords: Geophysics: Sierra de Atapuerca, Ojo Guareña, karst sediments, ERT, GPR