Relación altura-diámetro para " Pinus pinea L. " en el Sistema Central

  1. N. Cañadas 1
  2. C. García 1
  3. G. Montero 1
Actas del Congreso de Ordenación y Gestión Sostenible de Montes : (Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 de octubre de 1999)
  1. Alberto Rojo Alboreca (coord.)
  2. Ignacio Javier Díaz-Maroto Hidalgo (coord.)
  3. Juan Gabriel Alvarez González (coord.)
  4. Marcos Barrio Anta (coord.)
  5. Fernando Castedo Dorado (coord.)
  6. Guillermo Riesco Muñoz (coord.)
  7. Antonio Rigueiro Rodríguez (coord.)

Publisher: Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Vivenda ; Junta de Galicia = Xunta de Galicia

ISBN: 84-931244-2-7 84-931244-3-5

Year of publication: 2000

Volume: 1

Pages: 139-153

Congress: Congreso de Ordenación y Gestión Sostenible de Montes : (Santiago de Compostela, 4-9 de octubre de 1999) (1. 1999. Santiago de Compostela)

Type: Conference paper


Data from 960 trees in 71 differents temporary plots, located in a wide area of the Pinus pinea forests in S. Central ridge (between Guadarrama and Gredos mountains), have been used to evaluate individual tree height-diameter models. Several stand variables that can affect height-diameter relation, have been also considered (stand age, stems per ha, basal area, dominant height and dominant diameter), being dominant height and dominant diameter those improving most the accuracy of the models. The influence of the density (stems per ha.) has also been tested. Models have been validated with data from the 2nd National Forest Inventory and I.N.I.A. permanent plots. Finally, a model expressing a growth equation and with relative errors in a wide range of diameters (10cm to 60 cm) not beyond 10%, has been selected.