Las remagnetizaciones interpliegue como herramienta cuantitativa de restitución en cuencas sedimentarias invertidas
- P. Calvín 1
- A.M. Casas-Sainz 2
- J.J. Villalaín 1
- T. Román-Berdiel 2
- T. Mochales
- P. Santolaria
- B. Moussaid
- A. Gil
- B. Oliva
- A. Pocoví 2
- S. Torres 1
- E. Izquierdo
- F. Bógalo 1
- I. Falcón 1
- V.C. Ruiz-Martínez
- H. El Ouardi
- E. Sánchez-Moreno 1
- M. Marcén 2
- Á. Herrejón 1
- Jiménez, A. 1
Universidad de Burgos
Universidad de Zaragoza
ISSN: 1576-5172
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakien izenburua: X Congreso Geológico de España
Zenbakia: 18
Orrialdeak: 41
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geotemas (Madrid)
The interfolding remagnetizations are those acquired between two deformational stages, and they are common in inverted sedimentary basins. They can be used as a tool to restore the structure at the remagnetization time (Villalaín et al., 2016). This technique is used in the Central High Atlas (Morocco) in the frame of the CGL2016-77560-C2-P research project. The goal of this project is the construction of a 3D palinspastic model of the region (~300 x 120 km), showing the precompressive structure. For that, 891 paleomagnetic sites and 1019 structural sites support 22 present-day geological cross-sections (also constrained by geophysical data) that are subsequently restored to the pre-compressional stage. Both sets of cross-sections are the base for the present-day and the restored 3D models.
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