Técnicas de reconstrucción virtual del volumen endocranealrevisión de las metodologías y determinación del error.

  1. Andrés Olivares
  2. Francisco Cerrillo
  3. Yasmina Avià
  4. Claudia Santamaría Cabornero
  5. Marta Santamaría Díez
  6. Celia Ríos Suárez
  7. Tamara Fernández-Agudo
  8. Javier Falgueras Cano
  9. Alejandro Fernández Fernández
Actas de las IX Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueologíca: Santander 8-11 junio 2016
  1. Lucía Agudo-Pérez (ed. lit.)
  2. Carlos Duarte (ed. lit.)
  3. Asier García-Escárzaga (ed. lit.)
  4. Jeanne Marie Geiling (ed. lit.)
  5. Antonio Higuero Pliego (ed. lit.)
  6. Sara Núñez de la Fuente (ed. lit.)
  7. Fco. Javier Rodríguez-Santos (ed. lit.)
  8. Roberto Suárez-Revilla (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistóricas de Cantabria ; Universidad de Cantabria

ISBN: 978-84-697-9482-1

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 205-210

Congress: Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (9. 2016. Santander)

Type: Conference paper


The study of Physical Anthropology, applied to understanding human evolution, he has seen increased its potential through the development of digital technology in recent decades. In particular, the determination of the cranial capacity, has benefited from the use of new virtual techniques in favour of harmful traditional techniques. Since the beginning, the study of brain volume has evolved into the study of cranial capacity, with the development of three main methods: a direct method, which only varies the material used to fill the cranial cavity; a second method based on the application of arithmetic formulas from craniometrical measures; thirdly the methodology comprising the use of digital techniques, which allow the filling of the endocranium optimally without damaging the sample.However, it is assumed that there is no significant error in the publications when determining the intracranial volume, despite the great importance attached to this morphological feature. This work demonstrates the existence of a significant error in the estimation of intracranial volume among techniques and interobserver. Therefore, our aim in this paper is to compare different techniques in a skull of H. sapiens of midtwentieth century, checking whether there could be a significant error, or if standardization for measurement is not required in the study of the intracranial volume.