Formative and shared assessment in primary school PE curriculumteachers’ perceptions

  1. Otero-Saborido, Fernando Manuel
  2. González-Calvo, Gustavo
  3. Hortigüela-Alcalá, David
  4. Vázquez-Ramos, Francisco Javier
Cultura, ciencia y deporte

ISSN: 1696-5043

Ano de publicación: 2023

Título do exemplar: Monográfico de Evaluación formativa y compartida en Educación Física. Evaluar para implicar, dialogar, compartir y aprender

Volume: 18

Número: 55

Páxinas: 79-89

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Cultura, ciencia y deporte

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Assessment is one of the processes that most signifies curriculum. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find out the perception of Primary School Physical Education Teachers on the role of assessment in the curriculum in Spain. A group of experts validated an interview with two parts. In the first part, participants were asked questions about assessment in Physical Education and the links between assessment and the school curriculum. Another specific part was aimed at finding out the PETE's opinion on the conclusions of the study by Otero-Saborido et al., (2020) which analysed the treatment of assessment in the 17 regional curriculum in Spain. 17 PETE participated in the interviews conducted. A system of categories and subcategories was designed and validated. Atlas.ti software was used to analyse content the interviews. The results showed the importance that the participants attach to the official curriculum, although they pointed out improvements such as the need to reduce the number of evaluative references and increase the number of orientations. They also point out the importance of motor skills as the axis of assessment and the need for the cognitive, motor and socio-affective spheres to be integrated into the assessment references.

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