Visibilidad y tratamiento periodistico del divorcio en la prensa irani

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Isabel María Martín Sánchez Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 von April von 2022

  1. María Antonia Paz Rebollo Präsident/in
  2. Francisco Segado-Boj Sekretär/in
  3. Jesús Centenera Ulecia Vocal
  4. Salvador Gómez Garcia Vocal
  5. Fátima Gil Gascón Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This study consists of an analysis of the informational treatment of divorce in two of the main Iranian national newspapers: Kayhan, representative of the conservative and fundamentalist sectors; and Shargh, a news media belonged to the reformists.The objectives of this work are, on the one hand, to analyze the perspectives around the concept of divorce in each of these newspapers, taking into account that they represent different editorial lines; and, on the other, describing the strategies used by both newspapers to influence public opinion.The research also shows the emergence of a debate in Iran around divorce and its socio-political, cultural and religious aspects, as a consequence of the social evolution that the country is experiencing. This debate has promoted the questioning of other aspects related to marriage and divorce, such as child marriage or the unequal conditions for women...