Estudio paleomagnético preliminar de lavas cretácicas y paleógenas del distrito de Bolnisi, Cáucaso Menor, Georgia
- M. F. Bógalo 1
- M. Calvo-Rathert 1
- A. Gogichaishvili 2
- G. Vashakidze 3
- O. Z. Dudauri 3
- J. J. Villalaín 1
- A. Carrancho 1
Universidad de Burgos
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Tbilisi State University
ISSN: 2007-9656
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 6
Issue: B17
Pages: 1-6
Type: Article
More publications in: Latinmag Letters
A paleomagnetic and rock magnetic study has been carried out on 16 dacitic and rhyolitic lavas of Cretaceousand Paleogene age to find out their suitability for absolute paleointensity determinations. Experiments wereaimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the remanence recorded in the lavas, to find out thecarriers of remanence and their domain structure, and to analyze their thermal stability.Paleomagnetic results show that characteristic remanence of most of the lavas lies close to the expecteddirections, suggesting that it is a primary remanence. Notwithstanding, a significant number of samples arecharacterised by the presence of a secondary component, which is more or less superimposed to the primary.Thermomagnetic curves allow recognising that in part of the lavas the carriers of remanence show a thermalstability, such as to allow absolute paleointensity determinations. These preliminary results suggest that twoof the 16 analysed lavas, seem clearly suitable for paleointensity studies, whereas in seven others, only a partof their samples may be used for paleointensity determinations
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